Publishing quality Speculative Fiction & Non-Fiction print and e-books.

Guardbridge Books is a small company that produces high quality books. Our specialities are innovative speculative fiction and rigorously researched but accessible non-fiction. As a small company we can give individual attention to all our authors and their books, and personally attend to customers’ needs.

New Novels for 2022: Drakemaster, The Maren of Prague, The Roots of Betrayal.

Science Fiction

  • Future
  • Technology
  • Space

Quality writing addressing big ideas in original ways.

Particularly interested in stories exploring trans-humanism, interstellar colonization, environmental problems, philosophical quandaries.


  • Culture
  • Mythology
  • Magic

Innovative stories drawing on ancient traditions.

Particularly interested in stories drawing upon cultures and folklore beyond Europe, and works exploring alternative social systems.


  • History
  • Science
  • Literary critique

Scholarly work accessible to all educated readers.

Particularly interested in ancient, medieval and early modern history, Scottish history, history of science, cultural studies, languages and linguistics, clear explanations of scientific discoveries.

We are looking for submissions. We are interested in finding and promoting new authors, as well as those with an established history. For novels, please send an e-mail containing a synopsis of your book (summary of the story including characters, plot, and conclusion), as well as the first few chapters. For other projects (non-fiction, novellas, stories) send a short e-mail outlining your idea and we will get in touch. See our Submissions page for more details. We are looking for freelance copy editors, and proofreaders. If you are interested, please send a short enquiry to the e-mail address below.

Visit our facebook page for announcements of releases, previews, interesting news stories, and more.